Album Review:
"The second volume in JSP's Big Bill Broonzy retrospective is four discs long, covering the bluesman's years in Chicago and New York. What is astonishing is that there are 100 tracks here. While it's true that there are many alternate takes for the sake of the historical record, nonetheless, when combined with volume one, this accounts for a prolific output by the singer and guitarist. Each disc is fully annotated with session information. Some of the musicians on these sessions include Blind John Davis, Washboard Sam, Punch Miller, Black Bob, and Ransom Knowling. The sound is good to very good indeed, as the music here has been completely remastered. Presentation is sparse but more than serviceable, and as always with JSP, the price is excellent. Neil Slaven wrote biographical liner notes for the set."
Download Link: http://www.zshare.net/download/6805170874242102/
Hi, HLC,
Sweet. Thanks for posting this.
I just wanted to let you know that you have an excellent blog. Some of the albums posted here had been on my want list for quite some time. Although my site is not strictly blues, music from the 1920s-1960s of that particular genre is an intense passion of mine...wrote my Master's thesis on the history of the US blues revival 1951-1970 while a grad student at University of Mississippi in fact. I may have an item or two that may be of interest to you, so stop by my place sometime. I've added you to my list of Recommended Blogs & Sites. If you'd do the same for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. Keep up the outstanding work.
Wow! I'd love to read your M.A. thesis. Thank you so much for the kind words about my blog. I try to post stuff that is on the rare side. I just became a fan of your blog.
As I am still new to this blogging thing and am quite technologically illiterate for someone my age, please let me know how to add you to my Recommended Blogs & Sites list.
These days, I'm having Internet problems, but I'm going to try to put up some Bill Gaither or Henry Townsend shortly.
Your blog has some amazing stuff on it. Because of you, I was able to hear the earliest born Bluesman, Nathan Beauregard! Or is Cowboy Roy Brown older? At any rate, they both played all sorts of music.
There is a white Hillbilly/Old-Timey player named Jasper Bisbee who was born in 1843. I forgot where I found his stuff (perhaps your site?), but he's definitely the earliest born Roots music guy there is.
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