Here is The Blues in all of its glory, or, perhaps, shame. This highly flawed series is unfortunately the longest Blues documentary we have. If you're a serious fan of the music, which you probably are, I highly suggest the Down The Tracks documentaries on Led Zeppelin and Bob Dylan, as they have more to do with Blues than this mess. Chasin' Gus' Ghost is also a fantastic Blues and Blues-related documentary. Anyway, let me know what you think of this disastrous series.
Downloading Instructions:
1) Download file below
2) Download GOM Player from Download.com
3) Play downloaded documentary in GOM Player. It will probably ask you to find/download a special Codec. Kindly agree!
4) Install whatever it is they want you to
5) Watch documentary
Download Link: http://www.zshare.net/download/8016661956444097/
The cocksuckers who put this out still owe me $500 for the article I wrote for the book, which they refused to pay after sending me signed contract, so don't feel bad about spreading this one around.
Except for JB Lenoir footage it's mostly crap anyway.
the series of 7 dvd's came out as a box set which I bought heavily discounted a couple of years ago. a couple of the dvd's are terrible - since when were Tom Jones and co blues singers???
one called The Road To Memphis is worth tracking down though
Teekay, I couldn't stand Bobby Rush, a modern R&B singer whom the documentary tried to make into a Blues star. I agree about Tom Jones and Lulu.
Hound, the Lenoir footage was interesting, though the home videos were hardly appropriate for introducing the mainstream to Blues. J.B. wasn't at his best in those. He certainly looked great in the footage from that soundstage, though. I'm sorry that they didn't pay you. I'll just say that I heard complaints about this mess of a documentary from another Blues historian; it's not just you who feels this way.
Any Blues documentary that calls John Estes "Joe Estes", has no mention of Willie McTell, paints Robert Johnson in a ridiculous manner, and has horrendous musicians (Hart, Raitt and Harris not included) ruining beautiful songs is just, well, a mess.
Should we really be shocked by what utter crap this production was? I mean, Martin Scorsese hasn't made a good movie in at least 20 years. I'm surprised he didn't find a way to cast his little boytoy Leonardo DiCraprio in this exercise in tedium. True, some segments are not as bad as others, but overall the whole thing was a disaster and did nothing other than to help perpetuate a lot of misconceptions about this music and the people who created it. But that's what happens when you try to dumb down something as complex as the blues for the ignorant masses. Let them have Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga. Leave real music - like the blues that you celebrate here - in the hands of people who appreciate it for what it is.
P.S. - Wow, they screwed over "The Hound" on his article for the accompanying book in the process? Fuckin' Hollywood!
I agree, RF. Hound, anything you'd like to see on this site? By the way, is there any particular "school" of Blues that you're most interested in?
I'd agree, the series conformed to Sturgeon's Law rather well, 90+% of it being crap.
I liked Bill Wyman's Blues Odyssey better. Bill being one of the most unreconstructed blues fans in all of England. The documentary was good, as well as the book with it and the anthologies he put together with lots of real deal blues! God love Bill Wyman!
"I agree, RF. Hound, anything you'd like to see on this site? By the way, is there any particular "school" of Blues that you're most interested in?"
As far as rare stuff goes, there were two Folkways LP's that I lost over the years, one was recorded on playgrounds in Harlem and had a title something like "9 Bad Boys In Trouble", it had a great a cappella version of Bo Diddley, the other is the Folkways classic Sounds Of The Junkyard, again, I lent my copy out and never got it back around 20 years ago.
Also, it would be nice to see some of the Fortune blues stuff (Hooker, Eddie Kirkland, etc.) out in decent sound quality, those bootleg Regency CD's sounded awful, and are pretty much out of print anyway. Of course I'm way too lazy to dub all my 45's and 78's down to MP3, but maybe this winter I'll get around to it if we're not traveling.
As far as pre-war stuff, I think our tastes are pretty similar, I love Leroy Carr (my Carr posting got pulled due to a complant from Sony, even though 19 of the 20 tunes posted were not in print except on the Document CD's). The complete Blind Joe Reynolds (all four tunes, two of which surfaced a mere five years ago) would turn alot people's heads around, he was way at the top of the heap in my mind.
tom jones? vomit.
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